⚠ IMPORTANT: All sales are final and nonrefundable. However, we also understand that life happens, so reach out to us if something comes up and you're no longer able to make it.
NEW All Access Passes
If you're an Intermediate to Advanced dancer and you know you wanna dive deeper into Bal, this pass is just for you! This All Access Pass includes a Full Pass PLUS the Sunday Intensive.
Includes access to all workshops, an instructor-guided lab, and the social dance on Saturday.
Intensive Add-On (int/adv)
Calling all Intermediate to Advanced dancers! Want to dive deeper into Bal? Join us on Sunday for a special 2 h Intensive with Desiree followed by a 1 hr Lab! Must have a full pass to purchase.
Don't know which role to choose?
You intend to primarily follow (>75%) during the socials and attend classes as a follow.
You intend to primarily lead (>75%) during the socials and attend classes as a lead.
Facebook Event
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